With network over more than 400 fine media, popIn has become a premium andone of the largest native ad platform in Japan.
We place advertisements on major newspapers, publishing companies, newsagencies etc, in the recommended widget as the same format as it is in themedia content. Ads are automatically optimized based on the content of the page that the useris browsing or their activity history, result to all the advertisements can bedelivered to many users as useful information without discomfort.
popIn Discovery is a native ad platform. With popIn’s unique algorithm thatincorporates natural language processing and AI technology, advertiser contentcan be delivered to the optimal placement of media in the network.
Engagement of users who receive useful content ads will be increased.
In addition, since the advertisement can be delivered by specifying the context(article category) classified by the original algorithm, simple and detailedadvertising operation becomes possible. *The context consists of 23 categories. Please contact our staff for details. We also support device and gender targeting.
We have a state-of-the-art ad distribution system that ensures networktransparency and reliability, to avoid the risk of brand damage that advertisersare concerned about. The list of media to be distributed has been segmented inorder to match the user’s content consumption trends cultivated from themedia analysis users analysis function ‘Media DNA’ with the advertiser’scontent. By utilizing popIn’s unique AI (Image Recognition Technology) Safetytechnology, it is possible to make adjustments to avoid ads distributed onnegative articles.
We have improved the quality and reliability of the advertisements by reflectingthe distributional features in the report and making it more certain.
Useful and enjoyable video advertising content for users can enhanceour user’s web experience. popIn has succeeded in creating high-quality video content that hasnever been seen in video advertising, in cooperation with a provenand experienced creative studio.
By this one-stop process from planning and production of videocontent to distribution of advertisements, the distribution destinationcan be selected from the media network of popIn Discovery, to makeour video network premium and transparency.
【READ】 Report on how much content the readers have read (read rate) 【Context Analysis】 Report the context of the article you were reading just before theuser clicked 【Style of content consumption in external media】 Report on content consumption styles, such as the articlecategories that clicked usually read on external media and the timeof day to read articles. This can also be used for content marketingstrategy formulation.
By passing content to local media viewers in Taiwan and SouthKorea, it is possible to convey the ‘unfamiliar charm that can beexperienced at travel destinations’ We already have impressive track record in inbound promotion ofrailway companies, hotel groups, resort facilities, airports,commercial facilities, urban nightlife and more. popIn is committed to creating content for inbound visitors to Japanto consultation on web marketing.
In Taiwan and South Korea, article-type advertisements written from athird-party perspective, such as web media, are beginning to spread,instead of landing pages written from an advertiser perspective. popIn has many achievements in beauty products and health foods.
popIn provide a new revenue source by sending customers to thecontent on external site and providing advertising space in the part ofthe widget. We provide readers with ‘worthy advertising’ as well asprotecting the media brand. In addition, it is possible to distribute the content of the company’smedia in the advertising space, so it can be used for attractingcustomers to tie-up article.
popIn Discovery is currently available for distribution in Taiwan andKorea. It has already grown into a competitive network of native ads amongthose countries. We will continue to actively expand into Asia, along with America.